The Smallest Fast Bundle Smart Safe deposit system with a Bundle note (5-6 bn/s) validator and capacity to store up to 2500 semi-stacked banknotes in a security bag with 6mm Strong Box safe. U-BUNDLE 2500 is Smart because is a IoT system.
Protected by an exclusive, secure and innovative anti-tampering system U-GO SECURITY BOX
Yougo introduces U-Bundle 2500 that combines Yougo best technology in speed, ergonomics and strength. The U-BUNDLE 2500 is the ideal product for fast deposit thanks the proven Yougo bundle deposit system. The U-BUNDLE 2500 has been design to be installed under the cash desk or where the space is little but there is the necessity to store up to 2500 banknotes.
The U-BUNDLE 2500 is compact and able to solve active and passive security tasks on the data transmission:
From the top side there are integrated the Validator and the innovative U_GO SECURITY BOX. This makes the system anti- tampering. Furthermore, the top console touchscreen is integrated in the 6 mm strong box safe.
The U-BUNDLE 2500’s Strong Box can be equipped with an Electrical Lock with OTP system –Dynamic Code by Smartphone to open the safe function that, in cases of CIT’s security password loss the operations center can retrieve it by phone(opt).
U-U-BUNDLE 2500, like all Yougo’s Cash-In is equipped with a Validator ECB certified – design by Yougo.
The system is equipped with an IoT – PC board to monitoring the device remotely by Yougo Camaleonte platform.
U_GO SECURITY BOX is the innovative and exclusive security system develop by Yougo. The security system is available for all Yougo products and it’s smartly integrated to obtain top-security in data trasmission protection and to phisycally protect the system (optional).
U_GO SECURITY BOX characteristics:
- Anti-Tampering Report and Real-Time Alert due intrusion
- PC – HardDisk Encryption with TPM
- Data communication through Yougo portal protected with MD5 cryptography
- Modem GPRS and System Sensors Network for Real-Time Alert in case of system intrusion.
- Rechargeable battery to keep alive the system in case of power off to continue the data communicate with portal for long time.
- Strong metal box with inside U_GO SECURITY BOX to have top protection and security from intrusion